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Health and Well-being
Health and safety are our top priority at Sprout. We have a licensed medical professional on our full-time summer staff to treat minor injuries and prescribe campers a little “TLC” when needed. If your child visits the nurse, you will receive a note describing the treatment. In the rare event of a serious injury, you will be notified immediately and, if you are unavailable, we will contact those on your emergency calling list.
Immunizations and Health Forms
To participate in camp, campers must have a completed health form signed by a physician on file. We also require documentation of immunizations.
Food Allergies
Safety and inclusion are top priorities at Sprout Westchester. Our camps are committed to being allergy-safe. While our camps are not allergen-free, we strive to make our camp environments as safe as possible for children with food allergies using a customized approach and working closely with each family to develop an action plan for the child. We ask that all food brought in be nut-free. Our camp provided snacks are all made in a nut free facility.