Hebrew Immersion Program

Sprout B’Ivrit! 

Hebrew Immersion Program

!’ספראוט ברוקלין מציגה ‘ספראוט בעברית

Sprout Brooklyn is proud to be a dual-language camp and have always offered a high-quality Day Camp program infused with Hebrew through weekly language goals, native speaking staff, phrases, cheers, songs, dances, and stories. Sprout Brooklyn is a place where all campers can learn Hebrew in a fun filled and exciting way.  To elevate the Hebrew language learning experience at Sprout Brooklyn, we are proud to offer a unique full Hebrew Immersion program through the Kayitz Kef initiative.  

Summer 2024:

The Sprout B’Ivrit track will take place during Session 2 & 3: July 8th to August 2nd. We strongly recommend that Campers attend for all 4 weeks. For 2024, there will be three mixed-age groups in the Sprout B’Ivrit Track: Tukim & Kofim (Pre-K and K), Pilim (1st), and Taninim & Panterim (2nd and 3rd).

**Please note, our Tukim/Kofim (Pre-K/K) and Pilim (1st grade) groups are full (waitlist only).

Sprout Brooklyn is proud to offer four weeks of a fully immersive Hebrew-language track. The Program works towards Hebrew language proficiency in a nurturing and creative way. As with the rest of our camp program, we welcome campers with any level of Hebrew knowledge, from zero experience to 100% fluency. The 4 week Hebrew Immersion program promotes authentic and meaningful interactions, enabling campers to develop their speaking and comprehension skills while building a strong sense of community and personal identity. 

Campers in the Hebrew Immersion program will participate in the typical Sprout Brooklyn program of swimming, dancing, art, STEM, sports, special events and so much more – completely and solely in Hebrew. All aspects of the camp day are conducted only in Hebrew giving campers the opportunity to make significant gains in their language proficiency. Campers learn to understand and speak Hebrew naturally, by listening to and speaking with their counselors and peers.

During the duration of the program, campers in the Hebrew Immersion program will be their own Hebrew speaking groups but will still be part of an Edah (Unit) and the wider Sprout Brooklyn Community.

The Hebrew Immersion program will be facilitated by outstanding Sprout Brooklyn staff who are dedicated native Hebrew speaking from both Israel and Brooklyn. The program will be supervised and supported by our Hebrew Director who serves as the program’s lead educator. Like all campers at Sprout Brooklyn, Campers in the Hebrew Immersion Program will be supported by our Leadership Team including our Camp Social Worker and Camp Directors. 

We look forward to this programming having a continued significant impact on the level of Hebrew learning and experience taking place across the entire Sprout Brooklyn summer experience. 

Our Hebrew Immersion program is operated in collaboration with Kayitz Kef, Hebrew At Camp, a project of The Areivim Philanthropic Group.


Frequently Asked Questions:

How is the immersion program different from the regular Sprout Brooklyn program?
Sprout Brooklyn has always been a dual-language camp focused on teaching Hebrew in fun and natural ways. The key difference between the typical program and immersion program is that in the immersion program, every moment of the day will be in Hebrew. Campers in the immersion program will only be spoken to in Hebrew.

What do kids do all day at camp?
Campers in the Kayitz Kef program will enjoy the full Sprout Brooklyn program with the added elements of full Hebrew immersion.

Do campers ever speak English during the day?

Our specially selected and trained staff are passionate Hebrew teachers and act as positive role models by continuously encouraging children’s voices through fun everyday activities. We recognize that each camper learns at their own pace, and have found that it can take some campers a few weeks to adjust to a full Hebrew speaking environment.  While we don’t encourage campers to speak English at Kayitz Kef, we don’t punish them or stop them from speaking it, if they wish to do so. 

Campers will know that staff will always understand them in any sort of emergency situation.

My camper already speaks fluent Hebrew, will they feel out of place?
No! Our programming and staff will ensure that all campers are engaged and having fun no matter their level of Hebrew. If your child has a fluent understanding of Hebrew, the native speaking Shlichim and counselors will challenge and develop their language learning. Your camper will also act as a positive role model for the other campers in the program, and in no time everyone will be laughing, singing, and speaking in Hebrew!

Will the Kayitz Kef groups be isolated from the rest of camp?
The Kayitz Kef group will still be part of the wider Sprout Brooklyn community and will still be part of the regular Edot(divisions). They’ll participate fully in all full camp activities such as Mifkad, Siyum, and Kabbalat Shabbat. They will fully feel the camp community spirit and camaraderie. The group will also cycle through the same activities and spaces and will see other campers during the day such as siblings and other camp friends.